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Countdown Timer - In Remembrance of Me
A 5-minute countdown timer to play before the sermon

Unreleased Clips from The Chosen - Coming Soon
A message from Dallas Jenkins about upcoming clips from Season 5 of The Chosen

Countdown Timer - Hosanna
A 5-minute countdown timer to play before the sermon

Countdown Timer - Last Supper
A 5-minute countdown timer to play before the sermon

Volunteer Series Part 2: Transforming Volunteer Culture and Unlockng Their Potential
The Most Important Strategy Putting Relationships First

Volunteer Series Part 1: How to Overcome the Volunteer Shortage
Maximize Team Engagement Without High Costs

Effective Follow-Up Strategies Free Video
Welcome back! I’m Ashley, and it’s fantastic to connect with you again. Today, we’re diving into practical strategies that will help your church make every new visitor feel like they truly belong. Whether you’re a seasoned leader or just starting out, these tips are designed to be both actionable and impactful.

The Challenge of Welcoming New Guests Free Video
Hi there! I'm Ashley. Thanks for joining me today. In our journey of ministry, we often encounter seasons of celebration and renewal—times like Fall, Easter, and Christmas when our churches are bustling with energy and new faces. Yet something interesting is happening. Barna has suggested a recent increase in church attendance, additionally stating that those who are invited to church have a higher likelihood of attending. On average, most churches will see at least one new guest a Sunday. Some more like 10-15 per Sunday. No matter if you are welcoming one new guest or fifteen, each and every person matters. And the challenge we have to look at is whether we are keeping and bringing those people into our community.

S4E5 | Mary and Martha
While the disciples stay at Lazarus' house, Mary sits with Jesus while Martha grows bitter.

S4E7 | Lazarus Resurrection
Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead.

Next Gen Ready Course 3: Steiger International
Learn how to have conversations with the non-religious.

Next Gen Ready Course 2: Steiger International
Learn how to have conversations with the non-religious.

Next Gen Ready Course 1: Steiger International
Learn how to have conversations with the non-religious.

S4E4 | Mary of Bethany Anoints Jesus
Mary anoints Jesus' feet with the alabaster jar.

S4E8 | Jesus is Son of Man
Rabbi Schmuel and Yusif meet with Jesus to attempt to convince him of the coming dangers. Jesus claims to be the Son of Man.

S4E6 | The Good Shepherd
Jesus delivers his teaching from John 10:11-16, stating that he is the good shepherd. The pharisees grow upset at his teaching.

S4E5 | Walking the Extra Mile
Jesus has the disciples live out his teaching from Matthew 5:41.

S4E3 | A Mother's Request
The mother of James and John asks her sons to request to be sit the right hand of Jesus.

S4E2 | Who Do You Say That I Am?
Jesus delivers his message from Matthew 16 at the gates of hell in Caesarea Philippi. As he asks them "who you say that I am?", he gives Simon a new name.

S4E1 | Elizabeth and Mary Meet
An expectant Mary meets with her cousin Elizabeth.

S4E1 | Zechariah and Elizabeth Name John
After John is born, Zechariah gives him the name "John" and regains his voice. Includes flash forward to John's ultimate death.

S4E2 | Disciples Enter Caesarea Philipi
As the disciples enter Caesarea Philippi, they see the pagan idols and gods and discuss the rituals at the "gates of hell".

The Fruit of Corporate Singing
Worship Initiative exists to equip & encourage worship leaders and musicians.

S1E2 | Explaining Shabbat
A Jewish mother explains the purpose of Shabbat and the historical context of this biblical tradition and command.

S1E7 | Matthew Called by Jesus
Jesus passes by matthew's booth and asks him to become a disciple. Based on Matthew 9:9 and Mark 2:13-17.

S1E6 | Jesus Teaches
Jesus answers questions and teaches on sin and prayer, based on Matthew 6:5-8.

S1E5 | Miracle of the Wine
Jesus makes his first public miracle as he turns water into wine at the wedding in Cana. Based of off John 2:1-11.

S2E3 | Thomas and James Discuss Healing and Faith
Thomas and Little James discuss why Jesus hasn't chosen to heal little James, why James hasn't asked for healing, and if people would believe in Jesus if He wasn't healing them and doing miracles

S2E1 | John Writes John 1:1
John writes John 1:1.

S2E1 | Sons of Thunder
Jesus teaches John and Big James a lesson about passion and humility. They become the sons of thunder as in Mark 3:17.

S1E4 | Simon Yells At God
Simon yells at God about the oppression of Israel in Egypt, and the occupation of Rome. He expresses his frustration that God has not provided for him and his people. He accuses God that he enjoys "yanking them around like goats".

The Art of Engagement: Your Community
The Art of Engagement: Your Community

The BLESS Challenge Reach More People Through Prayer
Empower people to live on mission with theBLESSApp.

Get Your Church Engaged In Prayer: Life-Change
Learn practical tips to engage your church in prayer.

Engage with 98% of Your Church Through Texting
Engage & Connect Your Church with Gloo Messaging Tips

Bass Tutorial | Female Key
Learn to play “The Lord's Prayer (It's Yours)" on bass guitar.

Keys Tutorial | Female Key
Learn to play “The Lord's Prayer (It's Yours)" on keys.

Electric Guitar 2 Tutorial | Female Key
Learn to play “The Lord's Prayer (It's Yours)" on electric guitar 2.

Electric Guitar Tutorial | Female Key
Learn to play “The Lord's Prayer (It's Yours)" on acoustic guitar.

Acoustic Guitar 2 Tutorial | Female Key
Learn to play “The Lord's Prayer (It's Yours)" on acoustic guitar 2.

Acoustic Guitar Tutorial | Female Key
Learn to play “The Lord's Prayer (It's Yours)" on acoustic guitar.

Drums Tutorial
Learn to play “The Lord's Prayer (It's Yours)" on drums.

Bass Tutorial | Male Key
Learn to play “The Lord's Prayer (It's Yours)" on bass guitar.

Keys Tutorial | Male Key
Learn to play “The Lord's Prayer (It's Yours)" on keys.

Electric Guitar 2 Tutorial | Male Key
Learn to play “The Lord's Prayer (It's Yours)" on electric guitar 2.

Electric Guitar Tutorial | Male Key
Learn to play “The Lord's Prayer (It's Yours)" on electric guitar.

Acoustic Guitar 2 Tutorial | Male Key
Learn to play “The Lord's Prayer (It's Yours)" on acoustic guitar 2.

Acoustic Guitar Tutorial | Male Key
Learn to play “The Lord's Prayer (It's Yours)" on acoustic guitar.

Acoustic Guitar Walkthrough
Learn to play “The Lord's Prayer (It's Yours)" on acoustic guitar.

Session 6: Next Steps For Exploring AI For Ministry Further
Practical suggestions for continued exploration of AI in ministry.

Session 5: AI Tools Overview
Discover AI tools for copywriting, graphics, audio, and more

Session 4: Practical Applications Of AI
Kenny Jahng dives into use-case examples of AI for ministry leaders

Session 3: What Is It Good For? What Can't It Do?
An introduction to generative AI and what it can be used for

Session 2: What Is Generative AI?
An introduction to generative AI and what it can be used for

Session 1: Welcome And Introduction
An introduction to generative AI and what it can be used for

Challenge Injustice
Share the Dream® adult devotional #7 based on Amos 5

How to Grow Hope
Share the Dream® adult devotional #6 based on Romans 5

Perseverance for Change
Share the Dream® adult devotional #5 based on Hebrews 10

When God Gets Concerned
Share the Dream® adult devotional #4 based on Exodus 2-3

Bull-Like Justice
Share the Dream® adult devotional #3 based on Psalm 89

A Clean Conscience
Share the Dream® adult devotional #2 based on Hebrews 9

Transcendent Love
Share the Dream® adult devotional #1 based on Matthew 5

How to Set Up Midjourney AI Image Generator From Scratch
Rob Laughter walks through setting up Midjourney with a Discord server

4 Church-Specific AI Tools You Should Know About
Kenny Jahng highlights AI tools built specifically for church leaders

5 ChatGPT Prompts I Use Almost Every Week
Brian Beauford gives 5 helpful prompts for pastoral ministry

As a Church Leader, Should I Trust AI?
T'Neil Walea discusses the ethical use of generative AI.

AI & the Culture: 10 Questions a Pastor Should be Asking
Discover AI's societal impact & crucial questions for church leaders.

Share the Dream®: HOPE
What does it mean as followers of Christ to be people of hope?

Share the Dream®: PERSEVERANCE
What does it look like to be a person of perseverance?

Share the Dream®: FREEDOM
God etched into every human heart the longing for freedom.

Share the Dream®: JUSTICE
A biblical foundation for justice

Share the Dream®: CONSCIENCE
Biblical conscience lives out God’s truth

Share the Dream®: LOVE
Biblical love requires action

Session 2 | Your Community
Understanding how people think will help you reach your community.

Session 7 | Productivity Hack, Strategies, and Shortcuts
Strategic ideas, tools, and shortcuts to make engagement easier and more effective.

Session 6 | Self-Care Habits
Begin to overcome burnout and get your priorities working in your favor.

Session 5 | Your Staff & Volunteers
Increasing engagement is an opportunity to get everyone involved.

Session 4 | Your Congregation
Get answers to one of the hardest questions church leaders have to answer.

Session 3 | First Time Attenders
Maximize every opportunity to increase your new attender return rate.

Session 6 | Forgiveness For Parents
Hear from our speakers as they reflect on their own journey.

Session 5 | Leverage Connection & Take a Risk
Empowering and connecting NXT GEN leaders will help them grow.

Session 3 | Give Them an Operating System
NXT GEN leaders thrive on measurable goals and encouragement.

Session 2 | Sweat Equity
Developing NXT GEN leaders requires committed and sacrificial work.

The Send | Origins Recap Video
Download the Origins Recap video to promote The Send gatherings.

What is Generative AI?
Gain insights into the uses & limits of Generative AI in ministry.

S3E8 | Jesus and Peter Walk on Water
Simon walks on water to meet Jesus based on Matthew 14:22-32

S3E8 | Jesus Feeds the 5,000
Jesus feeds a multitude based on Mark 6:30-44

S3E8 | Jesus Heals a Broken Leg
Jesus is teaching and is approached by a man with a broken leg.

S3E5 | Jesus Heals the Bleeding Woman
A woman’s faith heals her when she touches Jesus based on Luke 8:42-48

S3E3 | Jesus, Mary, & Joseph
Montage of Jesus as a small boy playing with Lazarus.

S3E3 | Jesus Says He is God
Jesus fulfills the scripture in Isaiah based on Luke 4:14-30

S3E2 | Two by Two
Jesus sends the disciples out two by two based on Matthew 10:1-4

S3E2 | Jesus and Little James
Little James confronts Jesus on why he hasn’t been healed.

S2E6 | Jesus Heals the Man with the Withered Hand
Jesus heals on the Sabbath based on Mark 3, Matthew 12, & Luke 6

S2E6 | Mary Returns to Jesus
Mary Magdelene returns to Jesus after walking away from her faith.

S2E5 | Healing of the Demonic
Jesus heals the possessed man based on Matthew 8:28-34 & Luke 8:26-39

S2E4 | Jesus Heals at the Pool of Bethesda
Jesus heals a man with a disability based on John 5:1-15

S2E2 | Crying Out to God
Nathanael cries out to God, desperately seeking answers.

S1E8 | Woman at the Well
Jesus & the woman at the well based on John 4:1-26

S1E7 | John 3:16
Nicodemus comes to Jesus in the night based on John 3:1-21

S1E6 | Jesus Heals the Paralytic
Jesus forgives sins & heals the paralytic based on Matthew 9:1-8.

S1E6 | Jesus Heals the Leper
Jesus heals the leper based on Matthew 8:1-4

S1E5 | Simon Peter Shocks His Wife
Peter drops everything to follow Jesus based on Luke 5:11

S1E4 | Miracle of the Fish
Jesus calls his first disciples based on Luke 5:1-11

S1E4 | Andrew Tells Simon He's Seen the Messiah
Andrew tells Simon Peter that he has seen the Messiah.

S1E3 | Jesus Teaches Children
Jesus teaches the children based on Isaiah 61:1-2 & Matthew 18:2-4

S1E3 | Jesus Bedtime Prayer
Explore Jesus’ bedtime routine with this clip.

S1E2 | Now I’m Completely Different
Nicodemus asks Mary Magdalene about being healed

S1E1 | Jesus Heals Mary Magdalene
Jesus heals Mary Magdalene based on Luke 8:1-2 & Isaiah 43:1